Aquatic Resource Management
“Water is the driving force of all nature.”
Water quality, sediment & nutrient loading are at the forefront of the issues affecting the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Patriot understands that being a responsible natural resource steward starts with effectively caring for and managing the watersheds aquatic resources. With this in mind we have developed for our clients a comprehensive suite of services to address aquatic resource concerns, advocate for our clients and develop long term management strategies to turn these resources from “Eyesore to Asset”.
Our Services Include:
Inspection & Compliance Planning
Wetland & Stream Mitigation & Banking
Nutrient Credit Inventories & Trading
Water Quality Testing
Fisheries Management Planning
Pond Creation & Alterations, Dry Hydrants, Docks & Walkways
Stream Restoration, Wetlands Creation & Mitigation
Living Shoreline Construction, Shoreline Restoration
BioHaven Treatment Wetland & Reefmaker Ecosystem Installation
Maintenance & Enhancements:
Aquatic Species Plantings & Native Riparian Buffer Establishment
Aquatic Weed & Algae Management, Biological Controls of Invasives
Water Feature Installation & Maintenance, Aquatic Structures
Fisheries Establishment & Oversight
Beaver, Goose & Other Nuisance Wildlife Control & Management